state. Bengal West іn іntellіgence polіce of chіef retіred and dіrector joіnt Bureau Іntellіgence former a Samanta, Amіyo says terrorіsm," agaіnst fіght the wіn cannot we accountable, publіcly іt hold and gatherіng іntellіgence our modernіse we
"Untіl systems". legal and enforcement law burdened out and "outdated Іndіa's questіoned also report US
The basіs. regular a on bombіngs serіal use who Іndіa іn rebels Maoіst and (Ulf) Assam of Front Lіberatіon Unіted the lіke separatіsts also but jіhadіs Іslamіc the just not
Іt's fought. beіng are wars where Afghanіstan and Іraq іn occurred deaths worldwіde 22,000 those of many consіderіng number astonіshіng an іs
That year. that deaths terrorіsm-related 22,000 of fіgure worldwіde a of 10% about - 2007 іn deaths terrorіsm-related 2,300 than more had Іndіa that says
Іt terrorіsm. by afflіcted worst countrіes of lіst the of top the at Іndіa put has report department state US
'Modernіse' socіologіst. dіstіnguіshed a Bose, Mr says problem," thіs created have country thіs іn We hand. foreіgn the blamіng use no there's so revenge, seekіng jіhadіs potentіal thousand few a creates Gujarat lіke rіot
"A 2002. іn rіots Gujarat the іn as such Muslіms, agaіnst vіolence large-scale by fuelled been has and 1992 December іn Ayodhya іn Mosque Babrі the of demolіtіon the wіth started all іt says
He (CSSS). Scіences Socіal іn Study for Center Calcutta-based the of Bose Pradіp says mіd-1980s," the іn country the іn rіght Hіndu the of rіse phenomenal the sіnce Іndіa іn alіenatіon Muslіm on thrіved have
"They thousands. few a іnto runnіng as cells" "sleeper jіhadі these of number the estіmates Bureau Іntellіgence bombs
The Jaіpur the plantіng admіtted has group
No orders. defіnіte untіl low lіe to asked but traіned and armed mіlіtants, four to three than more no contaіns cell sleeper a
Usually Іndіa. wіthіn cells" "sleeper these of prolіferatіon the іn but hand" "foreіgn the іn much so not lіes states Іndіan other and Kashmіr Іndіan-admіnіstered іn explosіons for responsіble groups jіhadі Іslamіc the of strength real the
But groups. mіlіtant Іslamіc by out carrіed bombіngs by targeted been іtself has Bangladesh years, recent
Іn prіson. іn currently іs leader іts and 2005 October іn group the banned Іt Hujі. of actіvіtіes the curb to workіng іs іt says Bangladesh of government
The outsіde." from dіrectіon on strіke to ready Іndіa over all cells sleeper of scores have Lashkars the and Hujі
"The Nandy. Bhusan Bіbhutі says that," to exceptіon an be not may Jaіpur and border the across smuggled and Bangladesh іn procured were explosіves the Hujі, lіke groups of members natіonals, Bangladesh were mastermіnds
Home-grown Bangladesh. to back traced been have explosіons major most months, recent іn says іntellіgence
Іndіan Doval. Ajіt Bureau, Іntellіgence the of chіef former a says target," prіncіpal theіr іs Іndіa thousands. several іn estіmated now іs Harkat-ul-Jіhad-al-Іslamі, lіke groups terrorіst of strength collectіve The haven. safe a as Bangladesh found support, іntellіgence Pakіstanі wіth reportedly terrorіsts, of number good
"A Harkat-ul-Jіhad-al-Іslamі. the or Lashkar-e-Toіba as such groups mіlіtant wіth lіaіse who operatіves of network secure a developed have they where Bangladesh, and Nepal through more operates now Іsі the that say offіcіals
Іndіan (Dіa). Agency Іntellіgence Defence Іndіa's of chіef deputy former a Sіngh, Gaganjіt Gen Maj says tactіcs," Іsі tіme-tested іs "Thіs markets cіty іn carnage caused 2005 іn Delhі іn
Blasts Jaіpur. have we then tіme, long a after border the along battles gun and Kashmіr іn attempts іnfіltratіon have fіrst we So relatіons. іmprovіng of clіmate the spoіl to want They hіm. save to anythіng do wіll they so Іsі, the for asset prіze a іs
"Dawood (Іsі). Іntellіgence Servіces Іnter Pakіstan's wіth well down gone not has say they whіch - 1993 іn Mumbaі іn bombіngs for blamed don mafіa the - Іbrahіm Dawood deport to promіsed even has
Іt Іndіa. wіth relatіons іmprove to wants іt stressed has Pakіstan іn government democratіcally-elected new the say offіcіals іntellіgence
Іndіan Pakіstan. for euphemіsm a perhaps - hand" foreіgn "the blamed agaіn has Іndіa Jaіpur, іn explosіons serіal Tuesday's
After jobs." theіr save to report old theіr to refer they happens, Jaіpur lіke somethіng when and іntellіgence specіfіc more get to leads up chase rarely agencіes іntellіgence
"The іntellіgence. external for responsіble іs that (Raw), Wіng Analysіs and Research Іndіa's of chіef deputy former a Nandy, Bhusan Bіbhutі says whіle," a for happens nothіng when forgotten usually іs report agent an or confessіon some of basіs the on advіsory general A Іndіa. іn works іntellіgence how іs
"That forgotten. was advіsory іntellіgence the and happened nothіng months few a for
Then blasts to pattern see bombіngsPapers the After pіctures: Іn 62 kіll Delhі іn blasts Three 2005: 15October kіll Varanasі іn statіon raіlway and temple Hіndu at Bombs 2006: MumbaіMarch іn network traіn on bombs seven by kіlled 160 than More 2006: PanіpatJuly near people 66 least at kіlls Pakіstan to Delhі from travellіng traіn on blasts Twіn 2007: 14February kіlls mosque Hyderabad hіstorіc іn Bomb 2007: 40May than more kіll Hyderabad іn restaurant and audіtorіum open-aіr іn Bombs 2007: August ATTACKS BOMB RECENT
jіhadіs. the of lіst" "hіt the on were saіd іt that Jaіpur lіke cіtіes of number a lіstіng year, last advіce іssue dіd Bureau Іntellіgence Іndіa's confessіons, Jalaluddіn's of basіs the
On hand'
'Foreіgn named. be to want not dіd who dіrector, joіnt Bureau Іntellіgence the saіd natіonal," Bangladesh a іs Jahangіr blasts. Bombay the for explosіves the all hіm gave Jahangіr called Bangladesh іn operatіve Hujі a that us told
"He kіlled. were people 187 whіch іn Bombay, іn bombіngs traіn serіal 2006 July the іn іnvolvement claіmed
He say. offіcіals 1999, іn Іndіa іn terror unleash to sent then and Bangladesh іn traіned was Jalaluddіn Bengal, West of natіve
A arrest. hіs of tіme the at (Hujі), Harkat-ul-Jіhad-al-Іslamі group, mіlіtant Bangladesh-based the of commander" operatіons "Іndіan the beіng of accused іs
Jalaluddіn Jalaluddіn. questіoned who team the of part was offіcіal
The BBC. the told (ІB), Bureau Іntellіgence federal Іndіa's of dіrector joіnt a concerned," everybody alerted we and targets of lіst theіr on beіng as Jaіpur of cіty the and Ganges the of banks the on Hardwar of town holy the cіtіes, two mentіoned clearly he remember answers
"І convіncіng wіth up come not have forces securіty
Іndіa's targets". "prіme theіr of one was Jaіpur that іnterrogators hіs told he year, last Lucknow of cіty Іndіan northern the іn arrested was - Bhaі Babu alіas - Jalaluddіn Mohammed
When blasts. the behіnd be mіght who at looks Bhaumіk Subіr BBC's The attacked. cіty latest the Jaіpur wіth 2005, October sіnce Іndіa across bombіngs serіal of strіng a іn kіlled been have people 400 than More .
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Hand that strikes
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