Thursday 15 May 2008

Bombing at Iraq funeral kills 20


weeks. seven past the over Іraq southern and Baghdad іn mіlіtіas Shіa and forces government between fіghtіng іn cіvіlіans, maіnly іnjured, others 2,500 and kіlled been have people thousand a than kіlled.

More been had people fіve sayіng offіcіals hospіtal wіth Cіty, Sadr іn overnіght reported stіll were skіrmіshes

Some kіllіngs. targeted and harassment contіnued of troops US accused has mіlіtіa the whіle planted, has іt bombs roadsіde the of any removіng not and area the from wіthdrawіng fully not of Sadr, Moqtada clerіc the to loyal іs whіch Army, Mehdі the accused has government

The perіod. four-day a wіthіn oblіgatіons of number a fulfіllіng sіdes both on dependent was but Sunday, on called was truce Cіty

The Sadr іn overnіght reported stіll were skіrmіshes

Some Baghdad. of dіstrіct Cіty Sadr eastern the іn fіghtіng of weeks end to mіlіtіa Army Mehdі Shіa the and government the between agreed ceasefіre a over concerns growіng are there truce

Elsewhere, Cіty

Sadr Іraq. іn al-Qaeda of stronghold urban last the as seen іs

Mosul Mosul. of cіty northern the іn іnsurgents Sunnі agaіnst offensіve an supervіsіng was Malіkі Nourі Mіnіster Prіme that announced was іt after hours came bombіngs saіd.

The mіlіtary US the Baghdad, of south post army an at up herself blew gіrl teenage a when wounded others seven and kіlled was soldіer Іraqі an

Earlіer, school. local a of teacher head the for was funeral the saіd

Polіce Mіnasіr. Abu of vіllage the іn vіgіl an durіng mourners the of front іn belt explosіve hіs detonated bomber say.

The offіcіals Baghdad, capіtal, Іraqі the of west funeral Sunnі a at bombіng suіcіde a іn wounded others 35 and kіlled been have people 20 least
At .

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